Viktoria Digital Studio - How to build successful online brand on Instagram

How to create a recognizable brand on Instagram

Your Instagram Feed is like a digital storefront – when you get someone to your profile, they will decide whether or not to follow you just within the first 5 seconds. Therefore, in order to see some positive results, we need to spend some time on making a good-looking feed.

This is the strategy I have applied for one of my newest projects which I am super passionate about. I am super proud of the results we achieved – the look of the Social media Feed as well as the stunning website. I am excited to share with you Fleur De Lin The Label – timeless linen pieces.

So today I decided to share with you my top 5 tips to create a stunning and recognizable brand on Social Media (This is for you to apply to your brand, to your personal profile, your expert profile, and so on) 👇🏻


Make sure to always use your branding color palette. This will give you a consistent image on social media. Since your branding colors represent you as an expert/business owner/creator etc, they will showcase your personality to your audience. This would also help you create better brand recognition.


Identify the tones of your color palette/branding colors and try to apply them in your designs and photos. This would create harmony within your feed and it would make your content more dynamic. Also, with fewer images, you can honestly create more content, which will be even more eye-pleasing.


In order to give a good look of your feed, you definitely need to avoid making it comprehensive and overloading it with tons of designs and photos, that contain many elements. In order to give your feed a break and make it look cleaner and more organised, make sure to create some negative space.


If your photos don’t contain any colors from your palette, you can always add some graphic assets to them, like typography, color, brand elements etc.

You can also edit the colors within apps such as Lightroom (which is free for Mobile). Do not overdo editing though. It has to look natural! In addition, if you are within the picture, you can always try to wear matching colors from your color palette.


You can use various different software to plan your feed and avoid posting various content without a strategy. You can use anything from Unum, Preview, Later, Plann, and Canva. I personally use Metricool and it works wonders for me and my businesses.

Do not know where to start with building a brand on Social Media?

No worries, I’ve got you covered, you can fill in this form and I will contact you back within the next 48 hours so that we can kickstart your business on Instagram with creative, visually pleasing, and valuable content.

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